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Company 2 - hololux GmbH

While things are going splendid at the bildpiloten HQ, doing all the fun film and motion graphics stuff we are known and loved for, there is a need to make our VR & AR work more discoverable. And to emphasize that we believe that this tech is not just some new fangled gimmick, but here to stay, we are putting all of our weight behind it by incorporating this line of work as a seperate company: hololux GmbH

Together with Christian Glessner, Leitwolf of Experts Inside, we have assembled a truly unique team to rise to the challenges of bleeding edge Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality productions, may it be film, animation or apps. Both Christian and I will take on CEO duties at hololux GmbH. Combining the graphics and film expertise of bildpiloten with the IT knowledge of Experts Inside makes hololux well suited for the challenges of this new market that is still in it´s infancy. Brace yourself, it´s gonna be a bumpy, yet exciting ride!

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